Scawby Brook Solar
Welcome to the consultation website for the proposed Scawby Brook Solar Farm. Brockwell Energy is preparing plans for a new 49.9-megawatt (MW) solar development with a battery energy storage system (BESS) component, to be located on fields to the east of the Scawby Road (B1206), close to the Brigg Renewable Energy Plant.
We intend to submit a planning application to North Lincolnshire Council in the coming weeks. We are grateful to the local people who have engaged with us to date, to offer feedback on the proposals and to discuss the potential benefits of the scheme.
We hosted a public webinar on Tuesday 21 January, which enabled residents to ask questions regarding any potential impacts of the proposed development.
Since the consultation event, we have continued to refine the scheme and make changes to the masterplan. The updated masterplan can be viewed below.
For instance, we have changed the location of a centralised inverter/transformer in the southernmost parcel of the site in response to feedback. This will further reduce both the visual impact of the scheme and any potential noise impacts.
Click here for access to the webinar video and to view the slides from the presentation
We have also produced a FAQ document which we hope can address some of the most important questions regarding the planning, construction and operation of the
Alternatively, please get in touch by emailing; by posting your comments to FREEPOST – SEC NEWGATE LOCAL.
If approved, the Scawby Brook solar farm development will generate and store clean, renewable energy for export into the national electricity system – powering homes and businesses across the country. The development of new renewable energy sources is a key component of the fight against climate change, and will help to ensure our energy independence at a time of significant international uncertainty.
We will deliver extensive landscaping alongside the development, which will deliver new habitats and offer visual screening. There will be significant biodiversity benefits associated with the project.
As part of our planning application, we are also undertaking detailed assessments of important issues, including visual impact, traffic & transport, noise, heritage and glint & glare. The full results of these assessments will be publicly available as part of our planning application to North Lincolnshire Council.

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