Scawby Brook Solar


We are currently putting the finishing touches to our planning application for the Scawby Brook Solar Farm, which will be submitted to and determined by North Lincolnshire District Council.

We are grateful to local residents and stakeholders for the feedback already received and have had regard of this while finalising the planning application. The project team has put together the below FAQ document to address some of the most common questions and concerns to arise over the course of our pre-application engagement.

Should you have any further questions, we welcome additional feedback by email at; by post at FREEPOST – SEC NEWGATE LOCAL, or by filling in a feedback form or questionnaire on this website.

We are currently preparing a planning application to submit to North Lincolnshire District Council. Over the past few weeks, we have undertaken pre-application engagement with local people and stakeholders. This has included conversations with close neighbours of the site, as well as correspondence with district councillors, local parish councils and officers from North Lincolnshire Council.

We intend to submit our planning application in the near future. It will then be subject to a consultation undertaken by North Lincolnshire District Council. We hope for the application to be determined before the end of 2025.

What is being proposed, and where is it located?

Brockwell Energy is preparing plans for a new 49.9-megawatt (49.9MW) solar development with a battery energy storage system (BESS) component, to be located on fields to the east of the Scawby Road (B1206), close to the Brigg Renewable Energy Plant.

The BESS compound and on-site substation would be located within the existing industrial area to the north-east. The compound would comprise the infrastructure necessary to store and export the energy produced. This would include several battery containers and associated equipment, arranged in rows; control buildings; and switchgear. A small compound with storage containers, a control room and an office/welfare building would be provided to the south-west of the BESS compound along the access track.

There is an urgent global need for advanced economies to reduce their carbon emissions in the fight against climate change. Reducing the UK electricity system’s reliance on imported fossil fuels is additionally a key aspect of the fight for energy security.

The Government has ambitious targets for solar energy development to as part of the move towards clean power by 2030. This will require all kinds of solar power to meet local and national targets – solar panels on homes and the rooftops of large buildings; large, ‘nationally significant’ projects determined by the Planning Inspectorate; and mid-sized solar farms located close to existing grid infrastructure.

If approved, the Scawby Brook solar farm development will generate and store clean, renewable energy for export into the national electricity system – powering homes and businesses across the country. The development of new renewable energy sources is a key component of the fight against climate change and will help to ensure our energy independence at a time of significant international uncertainty.

We are currently preparing a planning application to submit to North Lincolnshire District Council. Over the past few weeks, we have undertaken pre-application engagement with local people and stakeholders. This has included conversations with close neighbours of the site, as well as correspondence with district councillors, local parish councils and officers from North Lincolnshire Council.

We intend to submit our planning application in the near future. It will then be subject to a consultation undertaken by North Lincolnshire District Council. We hope for the application to be determined before the end of 2025.

The chosen site – on fields to the east of the Scawby Road (B1206), close to the Brigg Renewable Energy Plant – was chosen for a number of reasons in order to reduce the impact on local people and make the best use of the available land:

  • Proximity to the grid: The proposed development will connect to Northern Power Grid’s network by teeing off an existing 132 kV overhead line, located within the former British Sugar Site to the north.
  • Agricultural land quality: The proposed solar scheme is located on Grade 3b agricultural land. This classification plays a key role in the site selection process, ensuring compliance with North Lincolnshire District Council’s planning policies. These policies state that land classified as “best and most versatile” agricultural land is not suitable for solar development.
  • Use of industrial land: The battery storage area is situated on previously used industrial land, benefiting from existing roads and infrastructure. Its proximity to established energy generation facilities continues the area’s legacy of energy production, which was a key factor in our site selection process.

Brockwell Energy is proposing to secure planning permission, construct and operate the Scawby Brook development for the entirety of its operational lifetime.

We are unable to be too precise at this point in time regarding the likely timeline. Timescales for planning and construction are difficult to predict with accuracy this far in advance.

Nonetheless, as an indicative timeline, we are working towards the following milestones:

  • Planning application submitted: Early 2025
  • Planning decision: Q3 2025
  • Construction begins: Q4 2026
  • Operation begins: Q1 2028

We have undertaken an agricultural land assessment as part of our preparations to submit our planning application. This assessment identified that the agricultural land component of the development site is graded as 3b. This means that the land is not classed as ‘best and most versatile land’ (BMV).

While it has been possible to design this project in such a way as to avoid BMV land, Brockwell Energy recognises this is not always possible, and achieving the government’s clean energy ambitions means that some solar projects will need to come forward on BMV land in certain parts of the country. 

As part of our pre-application work, we have commissioned a number of expert studies to identify any potential negative impacts of the proposed development and to consider potential mitigations which would offset these. No major negative impacts have been identified. In summary, these assessments included:

  • Noise and vibration
  • Ecology
  • Drainage
  • Traffic & transport
  • Archaeological & heritage
  • Landscape & visual
  • Glint & glare

The results of each of these assessments will be publicly available as part of the planning application.

Our landscape & visual assessment concludes that the landscape and visual impact of the proposed development will be highly localised.

Combined with existing topography, vegetation, and proposed mitigation planting, the visual effects will be effectively screened and minimised.

The construction phase of the proposed development will last for 52 weeks. However, this does not mean that work will be taking place across the full site for the entire construction period. Each tranche of the proposed development will likely only require a few months of work, and construction crews will move along the site as the scheme progresses.

Traffic volume is predicted to peak at 247 two-way movements per weekday, distributed across three access points. These movements will primarily be related to staff travel and will be scheduled outside of peak congestion periods.

During the operational phase, traffic visits will be limited to occasional LGV maintenance access.

We are preparing a Transport Statement (TS) to accompany the application, which outlines that construction traffic will access the site from the M180 to the north, via the A18 and then the B1206 Scawby Road.

This route will minimise the impact on local people to the greatest extent possible, including by avoiding taking traffic through either Scawby or Hibaldstow.

In addition to the operational components, the proposed development would also include extensive landscape planting. This includes neutral grassland or grazing pasture in the areas occupied by panels; and new species-diverse grassland, native hedgerow and native woodland planting along the boundaries of the site. The proposed planting would deliver significant ecological/biodiversity benefits and visually screen the development from roads and nearby homes.

The forthcoming planning application is supported by an ecological assessment and calculations of the Biodiversity Net Gain delivered by the scheme. The ecological assessment will identify existing habitats and / or species on the site and put forward appropriate mitigation to avoid / minimise harm to ecology and biodiversity.

At present the majority of the site is used for agricultural purposes. Typically, arable farmland such as that currently found on the site presents a very low ecological / biodiversity value. Given this, the Proposed Development is expected to deliver significant ecological / biodiversity benefits by delivering large areas of species-diverse habitats, which hold a much higher ecological value. The new habitats compromise grassland, woodland and hedgerow, all of which would promote biodiversity. 

Our glint & glare assessment concludes that the effects of glint and glare and their impact on local receptors would result in low or no impacts, and therefore no significant effects would occur.

The development is designed to minimise the risk of flooding affecting equipment. The drainage report commissioned for the planning application has concluded that the site has no significant impact on flooding on or off-site. The drainage strategy supporting the application will ensure surface water is appropriately managed without affecting surrounding areas.

Brockwell Energy is committed to supporting local communities by establishing a Community Benefit Fund for the Scawby Brook Solar and BESS project. The fund will be set up in line with industry guidelines, with a strong focus on early engagement with the community to ensure that local funds are allocated by local people.

Brockwell Energy has a proven track record of delivering meaningful community support throughout the lifespan of its projects. The North Kyle Trust was set up as part of the North Kyle Wind Farm and provided significant amounts of community funding to drive regeneration and local investment.

We are keen to hear ideas from local people regarding the size, scope and governance of the fund, and we welcome feedback on the kinds of local projects, groups or initiatives which could benefit from it once established.

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