Scawby Brook Solar
The Site
We are developing plans for the new solar and storage development on fields to the east of the Scawby Road (B1206), close to the Brigg Renewable Energy Plant.
The development would cover an area measuring approximately 85 hectares (210 acres) close to the town of Brigg and the village of Scawby.
The Site falls within the administrative boundary of North Lincolnshire Council; and is predominantly situated in the open countryside. However, the battery storage elements of the proposals would be located on an area allocated for employment use within the adopted Local Development Plan.
The majority of the site is currently used for agricultural purposes. The development would be temporary in nature, with an anticipated lifespan of 40 years, after which time the Site would be decommissioned and restored back to full agricultural use. We have undertaken an Agricultural Land Assessment as part of our preparation to submit a planning application. The assessmentconfirms that the site does not comprise best and most versatile agricultural land.
The majority of the site falls within Flood Zone 1 (designating the lowest risk of flooding), however, some areas are at risk of flooding. The site is not designated as an ecological site, nor are there any nature conservation/ecological designations within 2km of the Site. There are no heritage assets on the site, however, there are several listed buildings nearby.

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